This walk can be started at a number of points round its route. This description starts from Leighton, in order to follow on from circular walk 1 for an enthusiastic walker. Almost opposite the entrance to Talbot Farm, to the right of the new house called Quarry Lodge, go through the opening into the field, beside a footpath finger post, keeping straight on along the track, taking an easterly direction. For the next 2 fields the hedge should be kept on the left, but in the next 2 the walker should bear slightly right across the fields and try to find the stile in hedge opposite, while still following a relatively straight easterly direction.

After the next field the chimneys & grounds of Broadgrove House may be observed over on the left, and the path crosses another field keeping the small rise on the right. Walk along the fence on the right & the path becomes a track leading down to Cloford Manor.  Where the track turns left to the Manor (no right of way) and the footpath right of way carries straight on to Cloford village, there is an opening in the right hand bank with a footpath heading in a southwesterly direction. In this first field cross soon to the fence on the right hand side and keep this on the right for another field. After crossing into the third field head slightly left towards the bottom left corner where there is a footbridge across a small stream immediately beyond the hedge line.

Beyond the footbridge the footpath crosses another footpath, and to return to Leighton on the circular walk, the walker should turn right after the footbridge and aim for a stile about 300 metres away more or less in the centre of the visible field boundary in front. Cross straight over the next smaller field aiming for the opening where a track comes in from the right. You will then be in Chovel Lane and can return either by turning right along the lane or cross over the lane (with the concrete block pumphouse for the Blindmans Brewery well on the left)by a stile into the field. Keep straight on with the hedge on the left, until shortly coming out into Chovel Lane again via a stile, having cut out a bend in the lane. Turn left into Chovel Lane and walk the remaining ¼ mile back to Leighton.

If you wish to return to Wanstrow from the footpath crossroads at the top of the previous paragraph, immediately after the footbridge keep straight on, bearing left in this field to reach a stile into Long Lane, just west of Beansland Farm.

Turn right along the lane and the staggered crossroads is soon reached. An option here is to turn left down Brickyard Lane to return to Wanstrow, crossing the A359 at Tilley’s Cottage into Mead Lane (to avoid walking along the narrow A359), then crossing both fords to return via The Street. Alternatively keep straight on west along Long Lane for quarter of a mile until the crossing with the outward footpath used in circular walk 1 is encountered. Turn left onto this & retrace the paths used at this walk back to the A359 just next to the playing field.
