From the village hall car park, walk north (towards Frome) along the A359, taking care of traffic. Very shortly (before the dip in the main road), take the footpath left through the hedge at the gate. The footpath crosses this large field diagonally to the far right corner, where a footbridge crosses the stream. In the next field carry straight on parallel to the fence on the left. Chancellor’s Farm can be seen over to the right. In the far left corner cross the 2 stiles on the left with a plank over a ditch between them, and turn right. Follow the hedge on the right, until it bends left (under the high tension power cables) where a stile can be seen ahead. The path immediately crosses another footbridge and stile giving onto a large field. The route of the path is straight ahead across the middle of this field to its northern hedge, where a stile gives access to Long Lane.

At this point it is easy to return to Wanstrow along the lanes, which are quite wide and not very busy. To do this turn right along Long Lane and in 300 metres swing right into Brickyard Lane. At the crossroads with the A359 at Tilley’s Cottage, in order to return to the start of the walk it is safer to cross over into Mead Lane. Carry on over the ford, and then keep right into The Street, over the second ford and up to the crossroads by village hall.

A determined walker, however, can carry on from the stile into Long Lane (mentioned above) by footpaths to Leighton.

To do this cross straight over Long Lane into what appears to be a small field to the hedge opposite. At the hedge turn left until the hedge ends shortly. At this point, turn right (watch out for the open well on the right behind the hedge). Aim across the open field towards a gate with an oak tree on each side. In the next field after this, bear diagonally left towards a stile about 100 metres away in the hedge, and then turn right. Keeping the hedge on the right will lead into a track for a short distance, until the path swings through a gateway in the left hand hedge. Turn right and follow the hedge to where it bears away at 90 degrees to the right. There is a divergence of footpaths here. If heading to Leighton keep straight on at this point across this large field towards a stile on the far side. However, by turning right here and keeping the field boundary on the right, a path can be followed back through 3 fields to the top of Brickyard Lane and return to Wanstrow, as suggested above, via the lanes.

To continue the route to Leighton, carry on from the footpath divergence straight across the large field mentioned to the stile visible in the middle of the far hedgerow. Once crossed, barns at Talbot Farm, Leighton will be visible. Head across the field towards these, but keep drawing closer to the fir plantation on the right, aiming for a gate by a dead tree in the far right corner. Soon after this gate, a stile in the fence on the right leads through the paddock area of Talbot Farm, crossing the yard and into Chovel Lane at Leighton.

To return to Wanstrow turn right and follow the lane for approximately 1 mile until the lane ends at Long Lane. Turn right and then left into Brickyard Lane, and then follow the route back to Wanstrow as suggested above.

A much longer return can be made via Cloford as described in circular walk 2.
