Wanstrow does not have many designated footpaths within the village but there are several longer distance ones that connect with adjacent villages and open countryside. An indicative map of footpaths which are public rights of way can be downloaded at the bottom of this page but please note this an indication of the route only and may not show the exact route.

A detailed map of designated rights of way can be accessed from the Somerset County Council website https://roam.somerset.gov.uk/roam/map.  This map covers the whole county, but entering Wanstrow into the search box zooms into the parish area and further navigation and zoom functions are then available.  Please note that the footbridge on footpath FR17/3, from Tom Tivey’s Hole north towards Asham Wood, is currently closed as it is unsafe.  A replacement is being organised.

Rights of way are the responsibility of the Highways Authority, ie Somerset County Council, but our Parish Path Liaison Officer, Bob Sargent, maintains a link between Somerset and the Parish Council and helps to keep the paths clear and deals with local issues.  If you have a problem with a footpath you can contact him on .

There are no bridleways in the Parish, but there are two unsurfaced tracks, classed as highways but unsuitable for traffic, these being Studley Lane beyond Studley House southwards to the A359 and the Witham track past Hunters Lodge towards Witham Friary as far as the Parish boundary, after which it becomes a bridleway.  In addition there are permissive paths within Breach and Common Woods and Cloford Common is designated public access area.

The Parish Council can fund small items of repair on the footpaths and we have recently drained the track after Hunters Lodge which was prone to flooding.  We have also improved drainage and filled in the deep puddles that used to form each winter along Studley Lane and, in conjunction with Mendip Bridleways and Byways Association, opened up Knoll Lane to provide a route from the top of Studley Lane around to Upton Noble which avoids the A359.

We have compiled walks around the parish which use footpaths, tracks and permissive paths, along with some of the quieter lanes, and these are available to download below.  There are also walks to nearby villages, some of which still have pubs, and these are also downloadable below.  If you have difficulty following any of these walks please let us know so we can improve the guidance or the signage on the ground.

Short circular walks:

Routes to nearby villages:
