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Working for the Local Community

Website for Wanstrow Parish Council

Welcome to the Wanstrow Parish Council website. The site provides easy access to information about the parish council, the local area, news and events – as well as information for new residents or those intending to move here.

All our councillors live in the parish and understand many of the local issues. Your council is working on your behalf to improve both life and the environment in the parish and maintain the character and nature of our villages.

We hope you find the website useful and that you’ll visit regularly to get the latest information and updates. If you have feedback or questions, please email our Parish Clerk who will then forward it on to the relevant Councillor or answer your enquiry direct. We want to develop the site to be a useful portal for the community, so please let us know what else you would like to see here.

Scenic rural landscapes are important to the council and the communities

Next Parish Council Meeting

Parish Council meeting – 12 August 2024 will be held on Monday 12th August, 2024 at 7:30 PM

Meetings will be held at Wanstrow Village Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Latest News

Community Parish Plan – see the survey results

As part of the publication of the Community Parish Plan 2023, the authors have created a summary document where you can find an up-to-date representation of parishioners views, taken from the survey conducted in November and December 2022. This survey was completed by nearly 50% of the residents of the parish, and their views have […]

Mobile library: times and dates for 2024

The mobile library is continuing to service our village, so please make use of it if you can. It will be stopping at the village hall on the following dates: 31 January 2024 (2.15-3pm) 21 February 2024 (2.15-3pm) 27 March 2024 (2.15-3pm) Then every 4 weeks after that. You can use the mobile library to […]

Wanstrow parish council vacancy – December 2023

Following the resignation of Geoff Andrews, there is a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. The Council is very active in the village, and joining it gives you the opportunity to voice your opinion on how it should best serve our parishioners. No experience is needed – we need people from all backgrounds and experiences who […]
